Sunday, June 24, 2007

Online Image Generators (Image Chef)

Yada yada yada.

O. K. This is not my thing!!!!


Karen said...

I spent HOURS a couple of years ago making a NO WHINING image for a class handout. It wasn't even an animation. I had a group of students in an online discussion who didn't want to do ANYTHING, so I created four icons, NO WHINING, NO TRIVIA, and then two positive ones for NEWS and IDEAS and used them in a handout. I'm not sure it changed anything, but I think the illustrations made my point a little more emphatically. :-)

Sue Oliver said...

Maybe, I was too hasty in my comment.

I'll give it another try with some updated "pup photos".

Guess I'm an "ole stick in the mud"! They just seemed, for the most part, a bit too cute for me.